Organigrama y buscador de personas

Population dynamics, ecotoxicology and conservation of birds

I’m interested in how species deal with challenging situations such as stressful conditions, for example due to temperature or humidity, exposure to new pathogens or colonization of new environments.

Luis M. Carrascal is a research professor whose scientific interests are focused on the causal explanations of habitat and elevational patterns in species, and the interspecific variation in position and breadth of organisms within thermal gradients.

Behavioural ecology of birds and reptiles

Influencia de las condiciones ambientales en la evolución de las estrategias vitales en aves

Evolutionary physiology of animal pigmentation

Behavioural ecology of birds / Ecología evolutiva de aves

Investigo el papel de los flotantes en una colonia de Estornino negro (Sturnus unicolor) así como las redes sociales entre sus individuos. Trabajo con transpondedores pasivos (RFID).