Doadrio Ignacio

Profile picture of the researcher Doadrio Ignacio


Research in my group is focused on the inventory, classification and description of the biodiversity of continental Ichthyofauna, and includes the study of the evolutionary processes and mechanisms that give rise to their diversification. Given that the current biodiversity crisis affects our study organisms, we also study the genetic diversity of different organisms and threatened species, including vertebrates and invertebrates. In order to implement the inventory and classification of biodiversity, we apply an integrative taxonomy approach based on genetics, comparative anatomy, traditional and geometrical morphology, etc. Threatened species are studied through population studies and demographics, using non-invasive techniques and genetic markers such as microsatellites, SNPs, etc. In order to unravel the patterns and processes involved in the diversification of biodiversity, we construct phylogenies of diverse groups through traditional sequencing and phylogenomics. As part of the National Museum of Natural Sciences, my group cares about improving our scientific collections, such as the data repository of biological diversity, and we work towards adapting them to today's conservation challenges, ensuring open access to specimens to increase their usefulness for the study of diversity and global change.


Group Members

Sesángari Galván Quesada. Postdoctoral fellow. Phylogeny and Evolution of different fish families in Central America and the Antilles.

Sesángari Galván

Silvia Perea Aranda. Contracted researcher. Population genetics, conservation of threatened species, phylogeny and speciation.

Silvia Perea

Andrea Corral Lou. Predoctoral fellow.  e-DNA. Industrial Doctoral Student

Achondrostoma arcasii

Lourdes ALcaraz. Laboratory Technician


Tessa Nester Lynn. Predoctoral fellow. Origin and Evolution of the dog and Ecology of the American red wolf.

Lobo rojo y Tessa Nester
Lobo rojo y Tessa Nester


Current Research Projects


Filogenia, biogeografía y evolución de la Ictiofauna Continental de las Antillas (CGL2016-75262-P)


Análisis y estudios filogeográficos y de variabilidad genética de endemismos Ibéricos de ciprínidos (Life13 NAT/ES/000772)


Métodos moleculares aplicados a la conservación de la Ictiofauna de la cuenca del Duero (Y2018/BIO4682)


Impact des changements climatiques sur la diversité génétique des poissons des eaux douces du Maroc

Lago de Ifni


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