Stories from 100 fish genomes: adaptation of colour vision in deep sea and deep crater lake fishes. Zuzana Musilova Universidad de Basilea Suiza.

Título: Stories from 100 fish genomes: adaptation of colour vision in deep sea and deep crater lake fishes


Ponente: Zuzana Musilova, Universidad de Basilea, Suiza.



In modern teleost fishes vision is one of the most important sensory systems. Photoreception is mediated by the opsin genes expressed in retina and during evolution these genes adapted to various extreme conditions such as deep sea or deep crater lakes. Extremely high dynamics of opsin gene evolution was discovered by analysis of fish genomes and it involves mostly numerous gene duplications and specific DNA mutations. In some deep sea fish unique alternative strategies of colour vision have been found.


Seminario Investigación





Viernes, 27 Marzo 2015

